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Global Business Model

Specialized in Global Expansion

We have designed the most efficient business model specialized in global expansion.

An experienced local IT supplier who wants to run an ERP business invests in a local subsidiary of erpper, erpper then establishes a mutually beneficial strategic partnership by providing local exclusive sales rights and adaptation development to the supplier.

In S.Korea, we have successfully established this business model with gabia Inc.

Why is this going to be successful?

Even with stable sales and a good brand reputation, current ERPs for SMEs are failing their global expansion plans. We analyzed those failures for two reasons: First, they are not capable of fully understand the local market trends. Second, they do not develop their product with the consideration of go-global from the beginning, unable to successfully localize their product into other countries.

erpper learned that we should not take in-charge of the downstream value chain activities for global expansion, while we do the thing that can do best. We have the best product that can be localized fastly and easily- the strong upstream power. That’s why we need an experienced local partner who can successfully launch our service, be our downstream partner.